Just a Minute No 4
The English poet, FrancisThompson,
spent many years
battling with a drug addiction.
In his most famous poems, ÔThe hound of heaven,Õ he calls Christ Ôthis
tremendous lover.Õ
Christ never gives up on any of us
– no
matter how far we run or how long we hide.
This is the real good news that we havenÕt heard often enough.
Thompson wrote from the naked truth
in the . unconscious
room of his heart.
He wrote; ÔI fled him down the nights and down the daysÉ.I fled him down the labrynthine
ways of my own mindÉ. and in the mist of tears,
and under the cover of loud and running
laughterÉI hid from him.Õ
IsnÕt that the story of every one of us?
Running and hiding like the first man and woman after they decided to go
it alone.
Because of a false notion of God we try in vain to run and hide from the
life-giving light of God. We cannot exist outside of GodÕs Presence.
God knows all. God see all.
And God understands all.
Jesus said; ÔTrust in God, trust also in me.
In my FatherÕs house there are many rooms.Õ
(John. 14-1,2.