Just a Minute No 6
Saints are not like the lifeless statutes
we see in church,
with their arms folded on their breast
and their eyes
looking up to heaven!
Saints are men and women who say ÔYESÕ to the
blinding mystery of
everyday life in the human condition.
It is not all wine and roses.
Far from it.
To be human is to be weak.
We long to love and be loved –
But we are half-hearted lovers!
Love demands us to be whole hearted, humble,
To accept our failures,
let them go and move
beginning again and again
and again!
It is in our beginnings
that we become great
Love demands us to be cheerful.
Cheerfulness is the surest sign
of courage in our
and courage in our
hearts is saying ÔyesÕ –
When we would love to say Ôno.Õ
Love costs no less than everything!