Cistercian Monastery Of Bolton Abbey
Seeking God as a Way of Life

Safeguarding Procedures We have adopted the Procedures and Guidance published by the National Board for Safeguarding Children in the Catholic Church in Ireland. These Procedures and Guidance are available on the NBSCCCI website. [link to
During 2015 the National Board for Safeguarding Children in the Catholic Church in Ireland (NBSCCCI) undertook a review of the Safeguarding practices in the Irish Cistercian Monasteries. The report on this review was published in September 2015. You can view that report below: [NBSCCCI Review of Safeguarding in the OCSO

The Order of Cistercians of the Strict Observance in Ireland accepted this report and its recommendations and made the following response: See below: Response to OCSO Safeguarding Review

The Report on the NBSCCCI Review made seven recommendations concerning Safeguarding practices in the Irish Cistercian Monasteries. The Order of Cistercians of the Strict Observance in Ireland accepts these recommendations and has submitted a progress report to the NBSCCCI on their implementation. You can view that progress report below: Progress Report on OCSO Safeguarding Review Recommendations

Below are the contact details for personnel to contact if you have any concerns about the welfare and safety of children.
Designated Liaison Person: Fr Ambrose Farrington
Telephone:  086 196 0046

Gardaí National Protective Services Bureau Telephone:  01 – 6663430  / 6663435          Child and Family Agency - Tusla 
Kildare Child and Family Agency, St Marys, Craddockstown Road, Naas, Co Kildare County Kildare 045882400
Child Safeguarding Statement for OCSO of Ireland-
NBSCCCI Review of Safeguarding in the OCSO
Response to OCSO Safeguarding Review (2)
Progress Report on OCSO Safeguarding Review Recommendations (1)